Thursday, July 31, 2014

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

One Day Class on POISONS at the AMNH

Mikro had a blast at Prof. Wendy R's one day class on Poisons at AMNH. We saw the special exhibit on Poisons and also looked at the anthropology collections for various regions around the world, including Africa and North and South America. Mikro really enjoyed the Harry Potter-ish book of poisonous plant lore, the you be the detective cases to solve, and getting to assist in the live presentation about forensic toxicology.









Thursday, July 24, 2014

Architecture Class Week 1: Flatiron Building, etc.

Mikro took an architecture class over the summer. We visited a bunch of NYC landmarks, learned about the architects who built them, and sketched the buildings and some favorite details. I loved the class as much as Mikro did, and I brought my sketchbook, too!

The first week was:

Appellate Courthouse, Madison Square Park, Flat iron Buiding, New York Life Buiilding.

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tableau watchmomsketchflatiron