Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Homeschool Update

Some of what we've been up to on the days we are home or at the library:

Lots of reading about dinosaurs (what else is new?), a fantastic book on the history of life on earth, called Evolving Planet, that was so good I had to buy it, more dinosaurs, a book about the development of alphabets, kids books from the Boston Museum of Science about engineering (not pictured, but worth checking out here), more math books by the author of How Much is a Million? (not pictured), holiday stories, and even a little Spanish. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the remains of my high school Spanish are sufficient to allow me to read aloud simple children's books.

We started our Oceans unit with a project from Awesome Ocean Science, which we modified to suit Food Allergy Boy by using hummus and guacamole to represent the proportions of land to ocean on the earth (our guac is ocean). Mikro put breadstick candles on it and called it a B-earthday cake...

We are getting ready to do some data collecting for the World Water Monitoring Day project (just hoping for a little bit warmer day to go collecting water samples) and we've read the free storybook for the project.

We've discussed feudalism, the Divine Right of Kings, the Magna Carta and limitations on royal power, and the Declaration of Independence. Watched documentaries on Ancient Egypt, Dinosaurs, a crocodile autopsy, and goodness knows what all else. I have been very bad about writing everything down, and will have to revisit my book stacks to make a thorough list to keep NY State happy...

And here are some teacher books where I found booklists, games, projects or ideas I could use:

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