Monday, August 13, 2012

Where Learning Happens...

Not Back to School Blog Hop

This is supposed to be the school room post for the Not Back to School Blog Hop. I'll tell you up front: we don't have a school room. We live in a tiny little house with barely enough room for us and all our books and DVDs. So we don't have one dedicated space where learning happens. In fact, we don't like that idea, because learning happens everywhere. Like the T-shirt slogan says, "We homeschool: The world is our classroom!"

So here are some of the many places we learn: In the yard, at a messy art table that lives in the driveway, on the patio or porch swing, in the car parked where we can see our feeders but the birds don't notice us, on the couch (hanging upside down off of it while reading seems to be a particular favorite), in bed with the Kindle, sprawled on the floor, sitting on the stairs, at Mom's messy desk when she calls "come look at this on the computer!", at the parks, on the beach, by the river, on trains heading to classes or field trips, in the car with a pile of library loot, at the library, at museums and nature centers, pretty much anywhere and everywhere, in other words. We always have a book or two and a Kindle with us, wherever we go.

A gazillion photos here from this past school year:

mikrowlevarburton mikrowsnakebot

aquajellybot bacteriapainting smartbird

airpenguin1 airpenguin2 waterstrider

squiddissection drawinginspacegloves inmissioncontrol

kulmiandraez hermitclaws davidthegoliathworm

aboyandhisdragon mikrowcleawatermodel fishyfeeling

mikromansthetiller tidewatereeltank tidewaterpainting

mikroonbb1 peregrine1 tour0

circclelinebowmomnmikro canalboaturgerengineroom hayward

mermaidspurses randallsislandtables sailorsvalentines

sssm0 timescapes silverlakeleap

evagloves launchreentrygloves spacelaunchsystem

starlifecyclebeadedbookmark anybodyhome scopesetup1

librarybooksaleloot paleoboy gamers

mathtrain mikronenterprise hubblemodel

LIBRARYING nycheahistoryfair

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