We went out to my parents' place yesterday for our holiday visit. As usual, his Gramma, Grampa & Unca Rob spoiled Mikro rotten. He got LEGOs, AirHogs, a remote controlled shark, some dinosaurs, and a Furby, and to be the center of attention, which is what he craves most. My parents really enjoy being with him, and my brother turns into an oversized kid and gets down on the floor and plays. Fun.
This is the formerly feral Ms. Precious. She is a very well loved cat now, and she even let Mikro pet her. Warily, but she allowed it. She is not yet a fully indoor cat as she refuses to use the litterbox and cries at the door to go out and do her business. But she happily sleeps in bed with my parents, and lounges on the windowsills in the sun. She's amazingly friendly for a cat who has only been brought in for a month or so. Before that, she lived mostly in my parents yard and garage.
Everyone was surprised that Mikro's most favorite present was the Furby, which he named Cocoa. My brother and he had it dancing to Rolling Stones songs.