We had our annual Not Back to School Picnic at Croton Point Park. This year, since Dad is home, he was able to join us. So in addition to the usual nature walk, picnic, and school work in the great outdoors, there was sword fighting as well.
Mikro is the proud owner of a back to school sale laptop from TigerDirect.com. He can now do his BrainPOP, Time4Learning, Adapted Mind, and other online (mostly math) programs without knocking me off my computer. And he's learning keyboarding as well.
I set him up a private blog on Blogger, where he can make journal entries and post stories he writes. At this point, only he and I can read it, but I might open it up more later. I want to see how he does with it. This has lead to us borrowing a slew of library books on internet safety for kids. We have him set up with the Mikro's Links page I made him on my blog as a homepage, which links him to kid safe search engines, paid educational sites that we subscribe to, and a bunch of free educational resources (and some just plain fun) websites. I'll be setting him up with Scratch, and maybe some other free programming resources in the near future.
He had lots of fun at the park, though we would have stayed longer if the mosquitos and yellow jackets had been less aggressive...
I think this shot looks like a shadow puppet of Peter Pan...
And here's a look at some lingering damage from Hurricane Irene. Apparently, the force of the flood tide damaged the sea wall... and there are lots of new puddle/ponds around.
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