April is National Poetry Month, so we have been indulging our love of poetry.
We also love visiting long-time favorite poet Jack Prelutsky's website.
Ancient history continues, as we pick up books on Greece and Egypt as they trickle in on Interlibrary loan, and move along to Rome. I'm trying to work some math and science in by covering some history of science and mathematics, and by picking books like Mummy Math that fit in with our ancients focus...
We practiced handrwriting on ancient history words, using sidewalk chalk:
And I traced Mikro and turned him into Pharoah Mikeanaten...
And we've done some math concept books:
And visited the New York Hall of Science, and their Math Midway (separate post coming whenever I get the photos edited..)
We keep reading about Native Americans:
We saw A Year With Frog and Toad:
We have watched wildlife cams and taken nature walks, and read about animal behavior.
Mikro just started a new series of Mad Science "NASA Science" classes about space.
Last but not least, we organized a storage pod full of books and homeschooling stuff, and Kev built shelves to house it all in the garage... Now if we could get to the clutter of books, DVDs and such *in* the house, we'd really be getting somewhere!
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