Saturday, September 20, 2014

World Maker Faire NYC 2014: Saturday

World Maker Faire at the New York Hall Of Science was a complete blast. Mikro got to try all sorts of new projects. He had the most fun at the assemblage workshop, where he made a centaur and "the Dragon of Time." He also raved about learning about cams and making an automaton of a knight and dragon. The Extraordinares Design Challenge was a big hit, too, as was the Mars Rover game.. He got a little frustrated with finger knitting. On his favorites list: Intel's Inside the Blue, the Cognizant Young Makers workshops, Endoskeletal robots, making tiny drawings under a microscope, Automated Evolution, and Tick Tock the crocmobile.

Part 1: Scenes from Saturday:

arrival audiopen automatonbuilding

ballonguy bugbot buildingtriangles

cognizantsocks crowdentering endoskeletonrobots

erectorsetfreedomtower extraordinairesdesignchallenge extremophileengineeringevolution1

extremophileengineeringevolution2 extremophileengineeringevolution4 geekportrait

homeschooledinventor1 homeschooledinventor2 homeschooledinventor3big

insidetheblue2 insidetheblue3 isidetheblue1

kevingeekheaven littulips makeredutenttalks

marsrovergame mechanicalhand mechanicalhandworkshop

mentos metrocardman mikrosportraitofgeekparents

momnmikrowandering ninjahandsfreelight parachutebuildingandtesting

planetarygearsystem portaitofthephotographerasanoldgeek proviioningpotties

recycledart1 recycledart2 rexbite

robogiraffe1 robogiraffe2 signpost

stickers1 stickers2 stilts

stoptosmellflowers stuffedepalsworkshop talkingrobotics

tictoccroc1 tiptoethrutulips treewoman

trianglebuilding tulip unisphere1

waitinginlinefortalks waitinginlinefortalks2 whoyagonnacall

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