Monday, April 27, 2009

Hunt for Hatchlings at Beczak

We went to a wonderful program at Beczak Environmental Education Center in Yonkers. Hunt for Hatchlings was about all the different creatures that hatch from eggs. We learned about Atlantic Sturgeon, Seahorses, Snapping Turtles, Garter Snakes, Ostriches (one of Mikro's very favorite animals), American Robins, salamanders (mudpuppies), crayfish, and the echidna and platypus (mammals who lay eggs). The kids got to hold models of the different sized eggs these critters lay. Then they were given an egg to decorate with paints and markers and take home. After that, they had an egg hunt for plastic eggs, which contained pictures of different types of animals. A few were "duds" and were empty. They found 59 of the 60 that were hidden, and I was quite surprised when Dorene told us that the one missing egg would have been the lone survivor in the wild, since it was not found by predators.

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