On Saturday, we visited friends who were camping at the local campgrounds and did fun campy stuff like roast marshmallows. The boys all hung out together telling stories and riddles around the fire, and generally ran wild on the playground. We got home after 1 am, with a blissful, but filthy, Mikro in tow. He didn't want to leave. (I was ready to, because the bugs started biting, and I am horrifically allergic to whatever bit me...) I was having so much fun, I forgot to take a single photo!
Sunday, we visited the replica ship Bounty (as in Mutiny on the..) which also appeared as the Black Pearl in Pirates of the Carribean: Deadman's Chest.
Afterwards, Mikro participated in a jam making program at Beczak Environmental Education Center, where he also made me a mother's day card, completely on his own!
And we played in the park behind Beczak.
Sweet. Where is the bounty moored? Or has it already left the area. I would love to see that. (we watched Mutiny on the Bounty a few months ago.)
Peace and Laughter,
We wanted to go to the jam making but the class filled up to quickly.
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