Thursday, March 3, 2011

Illustration Friday: Swarm

Mikro's inspiration for this week's Illustration Friday topic was his recently acquired Hex Bug, a little robot toy that resembles an insect. He is hoping to acquire more of them, so the swarm in his case is pretty much wishful thinking...

I had a couple of different ideas that I sketched out. One of them is the so-called immortal jellyfish, which has the ability when threatened to regress itself to an earlier stage of development, essentially turning back time, and becoming a polyp, which buds and produces a swarm of gentically identical polyps, which grow into more jellyfish. What an amazing ability! My other idea is inspired by my addiction to information and stories...

1 comment:

Chibi Janine said...

lots of great swarm ideas here, I your childs wishful thinking one. I've seen those bug toys they are kind of fun. I like the book illustration I went along a similar line for my submission