Mikro participated in our village's Fire Fair at the Harmon Firehouse and earned himself a ride on a firetruck by performing fire safety tasks at 5 stations. He had to demonstrate Stop, Drop and Roll, call 911, escape out a window, climb down a fire ladder, and make an escape plan. Thank you everyone at the Croton Volunteer Fire Department, for a terrific event that really reinforces all the things the kids hear about fire safety with some real hands on learning!
Each completed station means a punch in your ticket. Get all 5, and you take a ride! (And mom gets to ride along! Woo Hoo!)
And there were firetrucks and an ambulance to check out, and a bouncy slide shaped like a fire truck, and a fire extinguisher demo, where both Mikro and mom participated. I got to use a fire extinguisher to put out a barbeque... It was fun, and good practice (though I hope it's something I'll never need to do "for real.") For volunteering, I was given a fire extinguisher to take home. Thanks!
And we were reminded to change our smoke alarm batteries when we change our clocks later this month. Mikro has been urging us to test the smoke alarms since reading the book "Stop, Drop and Roll." I'm sure he'll be happy to see us put in a new battery...
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